
Join Petra in the learning process by immersing yourself in the world of soils 


Join Petra in the learning process by immersing yourself in the world of soils 

Mission & Vision

CURIOSOIL focuses on enhancing soil education, addressing the critical need for a better understanding of soil amid increasing human pressures on this essential resource.

The project, co-funded by the European Union and led by the University of Aveiro (Portugal), aims to deepen public comprehension of soil dynamics, establishing a connection between individuals and soil using hands-on experiences. 

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Our Work

CURIOSOIL works collaboratively with partners from across Europe to develop educational products, curriculum standards, and teacher training programmes to promote a higher uptake and diffusion of good soil practices.

The Consortium brings together 14 organisations from 10 European countries, contributing their research and expertise in the disciplines of natural science, education science, and social science.

The Consortium

14 partners from across Europe work together
to enhance soil literacy

Related Soil Mission Projects

CURIOSOIL is part of the EU Mission Soil and aligns work and goals with sister projects within the mission.  

Related Soil Mission Projects

CURIOSOIL is part of the EU Mission Soil and aligns work and goals with sister projects within the mission.