Our Work
CURIOSOIL collaborates with partners across Europe to develop educational resources, establish curriculum standards, and implement teacher training initiatives, all aimed at encouraging wider adoption and dissemination of effective soil conservation practices.
The project aims to address gaps in understanding soil health among students, teachers, citizens, policymakers, and practitioners, as well as to alleviate soil illiteracy, a barrier to achieving sustainable soil use.
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CURIOSOIL aims to bridge this gap through immersive soil experiences, fostering a deeper connection between individuals and the ground beneath their feet. The project aspires to contribute to the creation of a more soil-literate society that recognises the interdependence between soils and humanity for their mutual long-term existence.
The partners at CURIOSOIL bring their individual expertise to the project to collaborate in an international consortium with the common goal of increasing soil literacy among Europeans, particularly younger people. Depending on their background and expertise, partner organisations lead specific sets of tasks that collectively contribute to the final goal of cultivating soil literacy, engaging citizens, and promoting sustainable soil practices.
Project Outcomes
All of the project’s expected outcomes will be listed and shared here in the form of a deliverable document.
WP1 Soil Literacy Assessment
D1.2 | First version of the Soil Literacy Assessment and characterization of indicators and descriptors of the assessment framework (AF) including the assessment tools
D1.3 | Soil Literacy Assessment and characterization of indicators and descriptors of the AF
D1.4 | Soil literacy education needs
D1.5 | Overall impact of CURIOSOIL activities to raise soil awareness in pupils and students
D1.7 | CURIOSOIL Assessment Framework (AF) (final)
WP2 Engaging Educators and Co-Developing Soil Literacy Courses
D2.1 | Soil educational course materials, associated guidelines, and teachers training v1
D2.2 | Soil educational course materials, associated guidelines, and teachers training (final version)
D2.3 | MOOC for higher education
D2.4 | MOOC for primary and secondary teachers
D2.5 | Online challenges and micro-credential course modules for higher education
D2.6 | Portfolio of best practices and guidelines for soil education in vocational training and lifelong learning
D2.7 | Results of testing and piloting of educational materials
WP3 Designing Immersive Soil Experiences
D3.1 | Guidelines for blended and remote soil education
D3.2 | Interactive Exhibitions and associated catalogue
D3.3 | Soil Curiosity Kit (first version)
D3.4 | Soil Curiosity Kit (final)
D3.6 | CURIOSOIL app final version
D3.7 | Project videos
D3.8 | First Hackathon and Artathon guidelines, insights, and outputs
D3.9 | Second Hackathon and Artathon guidelines, insights, and outputs
WP4 Engaging Educational Public Authorities, Policy and Decision-Makers
D4.1| Final report on current soil education policy analysis
D4.2 | Recommendations on soil education from the National workshops
D4.3 | 15 Policy Briefs (national level)
D4.4 | EU Policy Brief, Final Report and associated factsheet on soil education policy in Europe
WP5 Creating a Community of Practice for Soil Education Practitioners
D5.1 | Communities of Practice (CoPs) Annual Report – Year 1
D5.2 | CoPs Annual Report – Year 2
D5.3 | CoPs Final Report
D5.4 | Report and map of soil initiatives outside educational settings
WP6 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
D6.1 | Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (3 versions)
D6.3 | Soil Education Practice Abstracts (2 sets)
D6.6 | Final Conference report
WP7 Project Management, Quality Assurance, Gender and Inclusivity
D7.4 | Report on engagement with other projects and initiatives