CURIOSOIL Celebrates the Launch of the Community of Practice

The CURIOSOIL Community of Practice (CoP) held its inaugural meeting on 6 June, marking an important milestone in the promotion of soil education across Europe. The meeting brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the objectives of the project, share insights and outline future activities.

Sónia Rodrigues, CURIOSOIL coordinator, emphasised the importance of soil education and encouraged members to use their expertise to make a meaningful contribution to the project. The session concluded with positive feedback from participants, highlighting the informative and collaborative nature of the discussions. The meeting was a good opportunity to emphasise the synergies and cooperation with other projects within the Soil Mission, such as LOESS and ECHO. Olga Huerta from the University of Hohenheim and Norbert Steinhaus from the University of Vechta presented the ECHO and LOESS projects repectively.


The ECHO Project, co-funded by the European Union, focuses on engaging citizens in soil protection and restoration under the motto: “Engaging Citizens in Soil Science: The way to healthier soils¨. Olga Huerta announced an open call for ECHO Ambassadors , targeting individuals from Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland and Spain. These ambassadors will help shape local citizen science initiatives and support future citizen scientists in their communities.

Norbert Steinhaus highlighted the opportunities for collaboration with the LOESS Project, Literacy Boost through an Operational Educational Ecosystem of Societal Actors on Soil Health, and the potential learning from various Mission Soil and soil health related projects.

Participants stressed the relevance and importance of the session. Katja Crnec, from the Faculty of Environmental Protection in Slovenia, noted that the meeting was “an excellent opportunity to connect with others and share developed materials, ideas and project results”.

The next transnational meeting is planned for September to review progress and plan further steps. This launch event marks a promising start for the CURIOSOIL Community of Practice and sets the stage for significant progress in soil education across Europe.


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